
A Fine Finnish: Day 462

Hello all. Forgive me if any of you have been waiting for an update. But I have been very much active on MiltChat a discussion forum for leukaemia & cancer people and carers- you are all very welcome.So what’s up with me?


My regular hospital check-ups have dropped to 2-monthly visits. (Quite a change from 15 minute obs under chemo) I eat well, and hardly touch alcohol. The last week I have run 4-5k every morning before breakfast followed by weights, crunches etc I feel energetic in the day and generally very well indeed. I take 2 penicillin a day, and often forget the 2nd one. Of course, the threat of relapse is a real and very dangerous concern, but so far so good. Am toying with the idea of a Triathlon in June 2007.


My good friend, Jessica Mason has opted for Maintenance Chemo rather than BMT and doing us proud with her fiesty resilience.
9-year old Daniel Kerkhoff has sadly relapsed and has had to have both testicles removed and is on another 2 years of chemo planned. He continues to fight with a lack of self-pity and courage that puts most adults to shame.
20-year old Gareth Mace has had serious infection complications during his chemo treatment for ALL, and has had to have his leg removed to prevent further damage. He is fighting bravely.

I wish them all well.


Very sadly, I have decided to retire from all my teaching at RAM. This is beacause I have been offered a new role at RAM as de feacto Creative Director of the CTL Music Research Centre. This is a tremendous job (just 2 days a week) that involves colloborating on exciting music projects wit composers, muisc institutions and performers from around the world. I am very excited about it, but will really miss teaching the wonderful students.


I am continuing to practise and work for my performance PhD. I am currently writing up a paper for 20th Century Music Journal. On the guitar I have mostly been looking at Django’s playing, time-feel, sweep-picking and multi-finger tapping for some unknown reason. As part of my training, I have been responding to a Shred Challenge.

Charity events

The target for my 10k run of

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