Wow look at the Day above! My re-Birthday looms. A slice of marrow cake perchance? What news you ask? Well, details pending, I have been asked to do A 10k men-only (boo) run for cancerBACUP on the 28th May 2006 in Regent’s Park. The theme is ‘Heroes’ (i.e. running for you personal hero and/or simply dressing up) I think I’m going to avoid the expected choices of Superman, Spiderman et al in favour of something else. However, since not many people would recognize Stravinsky (Heroic musical pioneer) I have another idea which I will share soon. Anyone interested in taking part or even sponsoring me please stay tuned for details. I will report back on my (gulp) training soon. Ish.
Next Thursday I am giving an open lecture at the York Gate museum (Royal Academy of Music) on new aspects of technology regarding composition & performance. Should be fun, but a lot more preparation required!
The other day I visited the lovely Jessica Mason. As mentioned before, Jess is a 23-year old Aussie living in London. She is trained as a nurse but has serious artistic tendencies and talent. On 28th December 2005, Jess was diagnosed with ALL. She is currently in phase II of UKALL treatment at the Royal Free and is doing great in the face of the heavy treatment (I know it all too well) BMT plans are unclear. We had a great chat about art, music, leukaemia, mortality, atheism, cat behaviour and chinese food. I send my best wishes to her, her boyfriend Chris and her mum during these ‘interesting’ times. I am moved by her bravery, spirit and wisdom in dealing with her leukaemia. Ripper Mate!! (check out the pictures)
More soon, loads going on…but must dash.
Milt J x